What an awesome night it was indeed.
And congratulations to those who won the movie passess and the Microsoft Office 2007 original software!!
Some of you as far as I know were ministered that night! Amen to that. Michele shared that she saw something like seeds being planted in the hearts of the young people ... Pastor Pher saw denominational walls being broken down!
We would like to hear from you, feedbacks about the concert..if you can, feel free to drop a comment or two ya :)
It is a great start to a new year. Let us continue to pray for our nation, continue to gather together like we did...and as Pastor Raymond shared, if the church UNITE to pray....SAtan trembles!!
Thank you to all those who have been faithfully keeping us in prayer. I'm glad to report that there were about 363 people present that night, including the helpers! Praise the Lord, He brought in a good crowd!!
And we sure had fun that night ;)
Here are the details of the next KL/PJ LYPG..get excited! Invite your friends! It will be our first official meeting, and after at 2 pm, we will be meeting up with the leaders and pastors to discuss our future plans for kl/pj's LYPG. Please RSVP to Yvonne ASAP because lunch will be provided.

SEE YOU THERE!! map to PPBC click here
More pictures will be coming your way... ;)
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